Friday, March 5, 2010

Whiff of caste bias in AIIMS student's suicide (TAMIL VERSION)

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¿ýÈ¢:  ¦Á¢ø Χ¼ (MAIL TODAY)

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Whiff of caste bias in AIIMS student's suicide

The family of AIIMS student Bal Mukund Bharti has alleged that he committed suicide after being harassed by teachers and students at the prestigious institute because of his caste . Bal Mukund, a final- year MBBS student at the AIIMS, had secured admission through the Scheduled Caste ( SC) quota in 2004. Soon after, he started telling his family he wanted to quit because he was being subjected to casterelated harassment.

His father, Gulab Singh Bharti, said, " He used to tell us that he was neglected by his teachers and fellows at the institute. He often requested his professors for extra lessons to improve his weak subjects but they refused to help him." Bal Mukund's cousin Shailendra Kumar added, " Because he was an SC category student, he faced constant discrimination by his teachers." Bal Mukund's body was found in room number 22 of hostel- II in the AIIMS campus on Wednesday. He used an internet connection wire to hang himself. 

The AIIMS administration has refused to comment on the issue.
Reproduced From Mail Today.